Dear friends,
Kindly note that the ALFA Cup 2024 will be held as follows:
1- Birrong Sports Complex @ 100 Gascoigne Rd, Birrong for the First round and Quarter finals games on the 12th and 13th of October 2024.
2-The Crest Sporting Complex on Sunday the 20th of October 2024 for the Semi Finals,Third place and Grand Final .
Address:McClean St Georges Hall/Bass Hill.
3-Games are 60 minutes with a 15 minutes break.
16 teams of AA GROUP will be participating.
Kindly confirm your team’s participation by Friday the 26th of July as spots are limited and already part of them are booked.
Please note that the entry fees of $700 /team should be paid ASAP to the below detailed account to confirm spot’s reservation .
First in best dressed.
Name:Australian Lebanese Football Association
BSB 082-128
Acc 39-330-4899.
Reference:Country Name.
Fees :$700/Team
Draw will take place by August .
Remy Wehbe-ALFA President