Formal grading sessions are held in the 2-3 week period following registration and during pre season trial games. Dates, times and locations are published on registration days and at orientation day and will be passed onto coaches and managers. Players are required to attend grading sessions plus pre-season trials unless they have an acceptable reason for not attending.


All players must be registered as Bankstown Sports Football Club players before they are eligible to take part in grading sessions or trial games.

Grading is strongly encouraged but individual players can choose whether they wish to participate in grading on the understanding that players attending grading will have the best opportunity to be placed in grades appropriate to their skill level.


Players wishing to play in a higher graded team or a higher age group with their friends, siblings or for whatever reasonable and acceptable reason may do so as long as they are graded to that level and there are sufficient vacancies within that team. However, players who do not achieve the higher grading cannot play in that team. Alternatively, the players with whom this player wishes to play may play down in a lower grade to accommodate such requests if that lower grade is in the same age group and also has sufficient vacancies to accommodate such requests. It is important to note that players are allowed to play up 2 years in age group but not allowed to play down in age group.


Teams wishing to maintain a more social presence and remain together are able to continue to do so and will play at the level assigned by BDAFA.


Note: During the season, there may be times where players are asked to play up in grade or play up in age group (limited to 2 years up). This is permitted however, once that player participates in three (3) matches at the higher level, then that player must remain at that level for the rest of the season and is not permitted to go back down to his/her original team.


Rules and Procedures

A grading panel comprising of the coaches and managers for that particular age group and for the various divisions within that age group is formed during registrations to grade the players into their divisions. The grading panel may request the assistance of other knowledgeable and experienced persons to assist in the grading.

The Club Management Committee will, wherever possible, appoint the team coach and manager prior to the commencement of the grading process.


The factors that are considered in the grading of players include:


  • Previous years performances
  • Experience and skill level of players within the team
  • Player’s effect on the cohesion of the team
  • Requests and information from team coaches and managers
  • In circumstances where players are of similar ability, selection preference will be given to players who played with the club in the previous football seasons.


Grading is conducted within the following parameters:


  • Grading is voluntary and dependent upon numbers attending. If there are only enough players for one team in their age group, then the team will be graded and will play at the level assigned by BDAFA.
  • Where the number of players determines the need for more than one team, then the players attending grading will have the best opportunity to be placed in grades appropriate to their skill level. The two or more teams will be graded according to their skill level.
  • Where players attend grading above their age group, then the grading panel will keep this in mind when grading the players. If such players do not make the team, then they will be given the opportunity to be graded for their own age group.
  • Once the grading process is completed, the players will be notified by their respective coaches or managers for their particular age group and grade.
  • Where vacancies occur in a graded team after the grading process is complete, opportunity to fill that vacancy should be sought within the Club before proceeding with transfers from other clubs.
  • Teams wishing to maintain a more social presence and remain together can continue to do so, nominating their team preference at time of registration, and will play at the level assigned by BDAFA. The club committee, however, reserves the right to make final decisions regarding team makeup.


The grading panel will advise the Registrar which players have been selected, so that other players can be allocated to teams as necessary.

All endeavours will be made to complete the process as quickly as possible and prior to finalisation of team nominations for the upcoming season.


Disputes and final grading decisions


Where parents and/or players wish to dispute the grading decisions, then they will be required to notify the Club Committee in writing. Any verbal approach will be heard but will not be acted on until such time as the Club Committee receives a request to re-grade in writing.

Upon receipt of such a request, the Club Committee will investigate the matter and if warranted, appoint a Grading Adjudicator (Coach/Manager from another team, a member of the Management Committee or a senior player) to review the grading and/or conduct further grading session(s) to determine the grade of the player in accordance with this policy.


The Grading Adjudicator may call in the entire team for which the player wants to be graded.

The Grading Adjudicator will provide his/her findings and recommendations to the Club Committee so that a final grading decision can be made by the Committee. This decision shall be final and binding on the parent and/or player.


Grading of Players and Teams



For the 2010 season, grading sessions are scheduled for Sunday 7th March 2010 at BSFC Home Grounds as follows:

           Age                                        Check in                     Kick off                   Check out               

Under 10 to Under 11                          9:00am                      9:30am                   11:00am

Under 12 to Under 14                        10:30am                    11:00am                  12:30pm

Under 15 to Under 18                        1:30pm                       2:00pm                    4:00pm


Only registered players can take part in team grading, so ensure you are registered before the grading day and trial matches. Unregistered players can register prior to grading, but are not permitted to commence grading until registration is completed and the fees paid, so tell the Registrar and arrive at least 30 minutes prior to grading session commencement if you intend to register on a grading day.


When trial matches are scheduled, then all players are to attend. These trial match dates, times and locations will be given to the coaches and managers so that they can inform all players.